Post Announcements

1 comment:

  1. Welcome
    Welcome to our VFW Post 10047 Blog; a friendly place to share your ideas, state your concerns and pose your questions about all things VFW. You can create topics, author content and interact with other VFW members through this blog. The intent is to provide an open, dynamic, and constructive forum through which our members can affect change and develop a VFW Post through maximum participation by its members.

    What this blog is not:

    This blog is not intended to provide a platform for personal attacks on individual members or Post Leadership, or a place where we use foul language to get our point across. It is not a place to campaign for positions within the Post, State or National VFW leadership.

    These forums are moderated to ensure responsible behavior is maintained. By moderated, I mean that foul language and personal attacks on any member or officer will be censored. However, constructive criticism is allowed and encouraged as long as the spirit of the criticism is founded on the common good of the VFW Post, its Membership and Veterans we support through our service and programs.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.